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Speech Sound (Articulation) Disorders

Speech Sound (Articulation) Disorders


What is articulation?


Voicetim is the process of air passing through the vocal cords and forming in the tongue, jaw, teeth, tongue and palate, and processing in sound, syllables, and words.


What is the problem of articulation?


The person with a vocalization problem produces sounds, syllables, or words incorrectly; those who listen cannot understand what is being said or spend more attention understanding what is being said than the meaning of the word.


Is the voice issue like baby talk?


When young children misuse sounds, syllables, words, their speech can be perceived as “baby talk.” However, the speech of older children and adults with serious speech problems is quite different from the speech of babies.


What are some audio errors?


The majority of voice errors fall into one of the following three categories:

  • Voice or syllable throwing (”carrot “instead of arrot")
  • Using voice instead of“dog” (“dog "instead of "tog")”
  • Use to distort sound





What is the cause of voice problems?

Speech problems are observed as a result of physical causes such as cerebral palsy, cleft lip-palate, hearing loss, or other problems with the mouth (dental problems). However, many voice problems occur without any obvious physical apology. Functional voice problems can occur as a result of incorrect learning of speech sounds.


Is the accent a voice problem?


Maybe for some people. There are many accents within the country. It can be a problem if it affects one's goals in one's daily life.



Do problems with the ear in infancy affect later sound development?

Children learn speech sounds by listening to conversations around them. This learning begins very early in life. If children have frequent ear problems during this important period, they may fail to learn some speech sounds.



Does the child have a problem with a functional voice?


As the child's speech grows, it becomes more understandable, but some children need to be helped to have a clear voice.


Do you learn all the sounds at once?


No. Sounds are learned in successive order. Some sounds, e.g. /p/, /m/, /b/ are learned around age three, while other sounds, e.g. /s/, /r/, /l/ often cannot be fully completed until school age.


Until what age does the child produce all the sounds correctly?


All sounds must be produced correctly by the age of 8-9. Many children produce earlier.


How can I help the child produce the right sounds?


As a good model. Don't interrupt or constantly correct him. Don't let anyone, including friends and relatives, makes fun of the boy. Be a good model instead. Express the wrong word in the correct way. If the child says, “number sun,” correct it by repeating, “yes, yellow sun, the big yellow sun warms us.”


Can adult voice problems be helped?


Many voice problems can be helped regardless of one's age. But the longer the problem lasts, the harder it becomes to change the wrong tone. The process of helping some problems (such as problems in the nerves that stimulate the Voicetim muscles) is longer than the duration of helping functional Voicetim problems. Hearing loss, oral structures (teeth), how often he gets help, intelligence, and level of cooperation also affect this process.


Is it important to correct voice problems?


If it is to affect social, emotional, academic, and/or business life, the solution to this problem becomes more important. Our conversation is part of us. Our quality of life is influenced by the competence of our conversation. Therefore, voice problems must be addressed urgently.


Yayınlama Tarihi:
30 Ocak 2021
Güncelleme Tarihi:
03 Eylül 2021