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Improve Your Memory

A psychological test is a standardized and objective scale which measures examples of behaviors among a population. The test results provide psychologists with examples of the person's behaviors compared to the behaviors of other people. Since the tests provide examples of behavior under standardized conditions this helps psychologists evaluate patients in more detail.


Today there are tests that serve many purposes and are used in different areas. But, in order to obtain an accurate result, the test has to be reliable and valid. Most importantly, the test has to be applied to the patient by a professional (usually a psychologist) who has been trained and has experience in applying the test.

Generally, we can divide the tests administered in Turkey into the following 5 groups:

  • General Intelligence Tests,

  • Special Ability and Skills Tests,

  • Attention and Memory Tests that Distinguish Organization,

  • Personality Tests: a) Objective and b) Projective, and

  • Scales.

Computerized Clinical Diagnostic Tests - (Vienna Test System) Intelligence Tests 



The Schuhfried test is a computerized diagnostic scales program prepared by the Vienna Test System. The program consists of cognitive tests which measure processes such as: perception, understanding, comprehension, judgment, intelligence, memory and attention.

  • SPM - Standard Progressive Matrix Test (Judgment)

  • CPM - Colored Progressive Matrix Test- Skills Test

  • COG – Continuous Attention & Problem-Solving Test

  • DAUF - Continuous Attention Test

  • NVLT - Non-verbal Learning Test

Yayınlama Tarihi:
02 Ocak 2013
Güncelleme Tarihi:
13 Ocak 2015