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Speech and Swallowing Disorders Therapy

Speech Impairment and Swallowing Disorders Therapy 


Speech Impairment is a problem that restricts interpersonal communication. This problem may start at an early age or maybe neurological-based.

Speech impairment can be developmental or can be caused by diseases in the vocal cords. Speech and language disorders should be distinguished from each other. A speech disorder is a condition in which the correct and correct expression of sounds cannot be performed, the fluency of speech is not available, and the words cannot be pronounced correctly. Speech impairment can be defined as the disorder that occurs in the treble, flow, rhythm, and sound ejection of speech. This condition can negatively affect the psychology of individuals with speech impairment.

Symptoms Of Slurred Speech

  • Withdrawal of difficulty while speaking
  • Speech is not easily understood
  • Inability to adjust the intensity of the sound and especially speaking with a low voice
  • Using a uniform speaking style
  • The production of sounds that will disturb the individual
  • Difficulty in making sentences
  • Narrow vocabulary
  • Swallowing sounds or syllables
  • Speech too fast to understand
  • Trying to communicate with signs
  • Words in the mouth of the reverence

Types Of Speech Disorder

• Articulation (phonology-articulation disorder)

• Stuttering

• Voice impairment

• Motor slurred speech (dysarthria, apraxia) )

An articulation disorder is defined as an individual having difficulty producing certain sounds, incorrect or incomplete pronunciation of sounds. Words that cannot be expressed correctly can lead to problems in understanding an individual's speech. Anatomical-physiological disorders can occur due to neurological disorders and problems such as hearing disability. Can make errors in the pronunciation of words with the letters R, S, S. (like cat-sat, Bee-Pee, you - too).

Stuttering can be defined as blocking the fluency of speech due to reasons such as repetition of sounds and words that affect the flow of speech during the speech, obstruction, pause, speech by lengthening syllables.

Sound impairment, is the failure of the sound to be produced as desired for some reason. Violent pitch and resonance of sound are disorders that occur. Decreased sound intensity, impaired sound quality, lack of breath coordination are among the symptoms of voice impairment.

Motor speech disorders can be defined as speech disorders that occur as a result of damage to the central and prefer the nervous system. Dysarthria and apraxia are divided into two.

Treatment Of Speech Disorder

It is possible to treat speech impairment. Speech impairment can be treated with the help of language speech therapists. The treatment aims to increase the quality of the person's voice and to understand the words. While treating speech disorder, tongue exercises, lip exercises, cheek, and chin exercises can be done to eliminate speech disorder.

For the treatment of online language and speech disorders: https://npistanbul.com/online-dil-ve-konusma-terapisi

Yayınlama Tarihi:
02 Ocak 2013
Güncelleme Tarihi:
31 Ağustos 2020