

It is called the name of the disease seen in the cartilage structure between the joints located in the meniscus knee, which restricts the ability to move.

The meniscus is a disease usually seen in athletes. It can be seen in young people, adults, and the elderly. It usually occurs due to sports injuries in young people, while in older people, it occurs due to aging cartilage aging and decreased fluid in the joints.


How Does The Meniscus Form?

It is a disease that occurs due to the tearing of tissue called the meniscus located in the knee. These lacerations arise due to trauma. Diagnosis can be easy when meniscus symptoms are observed. Apart from physical examination, the tear is definitely detected by imaging, such as MRI. If the meniscus is not treated, it can cause the patient, great pain. It prevents daily activities.


Why Meniscus?

  • Sports injuries
  • Remove heavy load
  • Standing constantly
  • Sitting constantly
  • Do intensive household cleaning
  • Excess body weight
  • Traffic accidents
  • Falls on the knee
  • Aging


What Are The Symptoms Of Meniscus?


  • Pain occurs in the knees
  • Swelling occurs in the knees
  • Stiffness is felt in the knees
  • Knees lock
  • Mobility is restricted
  • It isn't easy to stand up and sit down
  • Difficulty climbing stairs
  • Joints make noise
  • Knees cannot be fully bent or straightened
  • Fluid collects in the knee
  • A feeling of ejaculation occurs in the knee


How Is Meniscus Treatment?

If the meniscus symptoms are observed, contact a specialist as soon as possible because the meniscus is a disease that causes pain and makes it difficult to perform daily activities. Meniscus treatment can be done without the need for surgical surgery when diagnosed at an early stage. The determinant of the surgical operation is the size of the meniscus tear. When the meniscal incision is small, the meniscal tear can be treated with the doctor's medications and exercises. But if the tear is large, the tear can be treated by surgical surgery on the patient. With advanced technology, the meniscus tear can be performed with closed (arthroscopy) surgery, and the patient can recover in a short time. For a full recovery to be achieved, the patient is recommended to rest for a certain period by the specialist. The fact that no scars remain on the patient's body when the operation is performed indoors also shows us one of the advantages of closed operations. After drug use or surgical recovery, the patient should pay attention so that the meniscus does not form again. The meniscus can be avoided with proper light exercises.

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