Arthroplasty Spacesuit

Arthroplasty Spacesuit


Arthroplasty is the surgical reshaping or creation of a diseased and dysfunctional joint to make it work again.


The types of Arthroplasty surgery performed for this purpose are as follows:

1) Resection arthroplasty: Diseased joint face or face is removed.

An arthroplasty space suit is used in all knee, hip, and shoulder prosthesis (arthroplasty) operations performed in the orthopedics and Traumatology Center. An infection that can develop after hip, vertebral, and knee prosthetic processes has a very negative effect on the patient's satisfaction with the procedure.


For example, the infection seen after fracture surgery can be treated very quickly and in a way that does not tire the patient. But the consequences of infection that can develop after prosthetic surgery can, unfortunately, be harmful. Because in prosthetic operations, the patient's joint faces are cut off and replaced by metal dentures.


If the patient's operation was successful, and there is no infection, the patient gets up and walks after a day and recovers quickly. And he's going through a painless process. But if the patient becomes infected, the patient needs to be admitted to the hospital again, and the inserted parts need to be removed. The patient is also treated with antibiotics for 3 to 6 months, intravenously. The Joint remains empty at that time. We put various substances in this area, but the patient can't walk on it.


If the infection heals after this process, the second stage's prosthesis is not as successful as the first. In other words, if there is an infection in the joint replacement surgery, the patient has a great regret for this operation.

The risk of infection is one percent in the hip, vertebral, and knee prosthetic surgeries. This ratio is the same in the world.

We want to minimize the risks of surgeries. The apron part of these clothes are clothes worn as standard in operation. The helmet part has ventilation and light and is completely sterile. We use it, especially in arthroplasty operations. During the cutting and ramming operations that we do during the operation, small bone particles bounce on our faces. These parts bounce off our faces and then fall straight into the surgical area. Therefore, this is how the infection occurs in the patient.

Arthroplasty also bounces off the spacesuit, but since the suit is completely sterile, there is no risk of infection.


Second risk in the knee, hip and shoulder prosthesis (arthroplasty) operations; clot disposal

The second risk in the knee, hip, and shoulder replacement surgeries is that it throws a clot. With its self-pumping devices, this risk was also minimized. Because the patient cannot move after surgery, he is at risk of throwing a clot. Blood is pooled in the surgical area of the patient. When we walk, the blood travels through the body with the movement of the muscles. The blood our heart pumps is not enough.


We are connecting the pinometiv device in this case. This device is continually pumping the patient's blood up. We also put anti-embolism socks on all our patients. And it keeps the blood from clotting. We use blood thinners, and we quickly execute and mobilize the patient. So the clotting problem is also minimized.


General cleaning of the hospital to be operated in prosthetic operations, training of personnel, cleaning the service, having the appropriate certificates of operations, the quality and certificates of devices to be used in the operating room, and physicians' care are vital and priority.

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